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Colin Powell “Obamacizing” The GOP?

December 15, 2008

General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, wants to strip the Republican Party of the values it had under President Ronald Reagan; the very values that won it the presidency for most of the last 28 years.
Once a national icon and always described as more moderate than his colleagues, we now learn just how much hostility he harbored for the GOP’s philosophy for governing.
In a CNN interview, Powell accused Republicans of “shouting at the world and at the country.” He said the party uses “polarization for political advantage” and listens to talk radio hosts [specifically Rush Limbaugh] who “seem to appeal to our lesser instincts rather than our better instincts” and aren’t looking into the “hearts and minds” of blacks, Hispanics and Asians.
To hear Powell tell it, “The party has to take a hard look at itself. There is nothing wrong with being conservative, but in another 20 years the majority in this country will be the minority.”
In October, Powell endorsed the most liberal Democrat ever nominated for president saying Obama would be ”an exceptional president, a transformational figure.” As he continued with his interview on Meet The Press, he belittled Alaska Governor Sarah Palin saying that her being on the ticket with John McCain indicated a “further rightward shift.”
Whether it’s the never-ending expansion of government, cutting taxes, offending the ACLU in waging the global war on terror, defending traditional marriage, or scrapping the Roe v. Wade abortion decision, Powell seems to want to go with the flow; ostensibly to “Obamacize” the GOP.
Republicans lost the election to the Democrats not because it opposed Roe v. Wade or supported tax cuts, but because they nominated a selfless patriot whose position was suspect on issues ranging from taxes to immigration to global warming. They lost because during twelve years of congressional control, they spent money like drunken sailors and wound up tarnishing their brand.
When Americans get a taste of the long-term fruits of the taxpayer-funded rescues of industry and finance now being doled out candy, it won’t be an “Obamacized” GOP they will want to turn to for help; America will need leaders who can and will shout on behalf of the principles of freedom.
It’s mid-December now, just weeks before Our Dear Leader is to become the 44th President of the United States. I wonder how Powell feels about the Blago storm swirling around Team Obama and what this military hero must surely fear from Iran’s threats against Israel, the ever-burgeoning threat from the “Religion of Peace” and the “appeaser” known as Barack Hussein Obama?

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Carlos Echevarria permalink
    December 15, 2008 6:02 am

    Great post, thank you for exposing Colin Powell for what he truly is…

  2. No Sheeples Here! permalink
    December 15, 2008 8:55 am

    Carlos,I can remember when Gen. Powell was greatly respected and many were urging him to seek the office of the presidency.I counted myself among those who would have voted for this once great man.His bitterness has made him a turncoat and I am saddened by his unwarranted criticism of the party that afforded him his many successes in life.Take care out there.

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